Reality Advertising
April, 2005
Flash website using Flash Communication Server MX 1.5, where the users could send a message in realtime to a computer glued to the wall using Henkel super glue and a camera was streaming the computer glued to the wall to prove that it was real.
Thanks to Cristian Mazzeo, Keke Toledo, Mauricio Mazzariol, Pedro Gravena and Fernanda Romano.
- Grand Prix Cyber - Cannes Festival 2005
- Gold - El Ojo 2005
- Grand Prix - El Sol 2006
- Gold - FIAP 2006
- Gold - MMonline/Msn 2005
- Silver - Andy Awards 2006
- Bronze - New York Festivals 2005
- Merit - One Show Interactive
Flash Developer

TriceratopsNGA - LaunchpadACMI - EEDOddity - Project C137TD01Grumpy Sailor WebsitePixi Trailing TextureGame OnProto Threejs ShaderCircles 1MODProto Pixi AnimatedSpriteThe CurrentRoad to ZeroGS OctopusAustralian Music VaultIO Internet PrototypesStory Spheres v2Pixel WallTalks at GoogleCanvas HexGhosts, Toast and the Things UnsaidGS LogoSL NSW Sydney MapThreeJs Shader MaterialFuture NatureLoomSL NSW ImagesStory SpheresRemember MeWebGL LinesPathsDrops 2Drops 1Red Ape WebsiteTribal Worldwide FlagsThis is nowThe WordFall in luxuryCaddy LifeGo Miniman GoThe Hanging Test DummyReality Advertising